Understanding your operations from the top down with multi vendor & merchant management tools. Without losing sight of the consumer-focused experience

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Less waiting in lines.
No losing bank cards.
No relying on dying phones.
Greatly improved
customer experience.
Enjoy the experience you paid for.



Festivals, events, venues,
resorts, sports, wellness
and much more.

Guest services, revenue
centres & event partners

merchandise, market stalls and much more

Sponsorship engagement & ROI.
Consumer Intelligence.
Customer payment continuity.
One solution for all interactions.

Food & Beverage concessionaires,
Licensees & Bar Management

Operational efficiencies.
Consumer & trading analytics.
Reduced administration.
Enhanced product management

Food & Market
stall vendors

Unified simple payments.
Enhanced revenue
and tipping opportunity.
Real time trading data.

Get started with Billfold

Drive your revenues up 20-79%
Easy to train, easy to learn. Staff ready to go in minutes
Hardware built for any live entertainment environment
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