A couple cents from each attendee
could mean thousands to a special cause.
This is Billfold Give

An optional round-up feature built into our registration process. It allows empowerment of communities through shared values and charitable initiatives.
Operators have the choice to activate Billfold Give for their attendees
Attendee registers their Payment Method to an RFID wristband and Opt-in for Billfold Give
Your order paid successfully!
Thank you!
from your order will go to charity!
Guest have the choice to opt-in by simply selecting “yes”. Then each transaction is rounded up and the difference is collected for the operators to send to their charity organisation of choice
Billfold Give Benchmarks
Round up example
per transaction
No. of Donors
Total Funds raised
Does your event or venue have a charitable alignment?
Then Billfold Give is a simple way to fundraise during a live event. 

Get started with Billfold

Drive your revenues up 20-79%
Easy to train, easy to learn. Staff ready to go in minutes
Hardware built for any live entertainment environment
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