How to resolve getting ticket holders back to their seats quicker with our Stadium POS

Billfold User Engagement POS System Driving engagement drives engagement at each step of the consumer's journey

Reducing Long Wait Times:

Billfold's Digital Wallet enables pre-registered payment profiles and quick tap-and-go transactions with wristbands, reducing wait times at concession stands.

Unifying Payment Options:

Billfold consolidates payment methods into the wristband, providing a seamless and fast purchasing experience for attendees at the point of sale at stadiums. Guests no longer need to wait for other guests while they fumble to find their cards, their wallets or handbags.

Fastest Transactions on the Market:

Billfold's unified payment system ensures the fastest transactions, improving efficiency and reducing wait times for all attendees. Collectively our solution has a robust offline transaction mode, which means if the power goes out or the WIFI drops, we can continue processing purchases.

Improved Price Transparency and trust:

Billfold's Dual Screen POS feature enhances price transparency, allowing customers to actively participate in the purchase process and avoid surprises or confusion at the time of checkout. Not to mention from an operational perspective, this can save the stadium in spillage or wastage when orders have been  processed or inputted incorrectly.

Billfold Marketplace Management

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