Resorts, Hotels and multi use vacation facilities require versatile POS for operations

Convenient Cashless Purchases:

Billfold enables guests at resorts, RV parks and hotels to make cashless purchases conveniently throughout the entire premises. This eliminates the need for guests to carry their wallet or phone at all times, reducing the stress of potentially losing these items while on vacation or enjoying the facilities.

Enhanced Convenience and Consumer Experience:

Billfold provides a seamless and secure payment solution, enhancing convenience in multi-purpose environments. Guests can easily purchase items without carrying their wallet or phone. With our digital wallet, guests manage multiple payment methods on their RFID wristband, ensuring a hassle-free experience. This convenience allows guests to freely enjoy resort, RV park, or hotel facilities, without worry or interruptions, improving their overall satisfaction.

Billfold RFID Wristband at Events

Reduced Risk of Loss or Theft:

With Billfold, guests can reduce the risk of losing or having their wallet or phone stolen, when our RFID wristband solution is being offered. The need to carry these valuable items at all times is eliminated, allowing guests to have peace of mind while engaging in various activities and enjoying their stay.

Streamlined Operations:

Billfold streamlines operations for resorts, RV parks, and hotels by automating payment processes and reducing administration costs and time. This improves overall operational efficiency and allows staff to focus on providing excellent customer service rather than dealing with cash transactions. Billfold also allows venues to engage in one off events and switch between our standard POS or implement our RFID wristband solution.

Analytics, Data, Heat Maps and Consumer Intelligence:

Billfold is continually adding more assessments and summaries of the consumer experience for our operating clients. Understanding revenue hot spots, which products were popular at sunset and knowing that our solution can process a larger pop up audience with ease, give operations better intel and trust in our solution. Consumer Intelligence is also very powerful in ensuring the best experience is created every time they visit your venue.

Billfold IQ Real Time Analytics Reports

Get started with Billfold

Drive your revenues up 20-79%
Easy to train, easy to learn. Staff ready to go in minutes
Hardware built for any live entertainment environment
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